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Transplant Formula

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About Transplant Formula

For use with vegetable transplants & seeds, berries, flowers, shrubs & in potting mixes.

  • Transplant Formula is easy to use. Just mix 1 scoop of powder into the soil around your plant.
  • Transplant Formula works well on flowers and around existing plants. It’s great when planting bulbs.
  • Transplant Formula contains all the minerals plants need along with humic and fulvic acids.
  • The makers of Transplant Formula do not support bureaucratic red tape, it is not certified organic.

The “Formula” for healthy plants is to combine minerals with carbons and microbes. Most starter packages dish out nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, or NPK as it is commonly known. The problem with this approach is that most growing environments already have too much NPK. What is needed by most soils and plants are the broad spectrum trace minerals plus some calcium, sulfur and silicon. The minerals in this formula are derived from multiple broad spectrum rock powders. This formula also contains a broad array of rock digesting bacteria and fungal organisms to symbiotically assist plant roots. To stimulate this array of biology, special carbons have been added to this formula. Minerals, microbes and carbons–a winning combination.

Directions For Use

  • In a mixed garden environment, 3 lbs typically covers about 3-400 sq ft of growing area. 10 lbs covers about 1,000-1,200 sq ft and 30 lbs covers about 3-4,000 sq ft.
  • For strawberries, vegetable & flower transplants — Apply 1 scoop of Transplant Formula into the transplant hole and work into soil. To transplant larger pots use 2 scoops.
  • To plant vegetable seeds — First trench a shallow furrow, then apply a light dusting of Transplant Formula. 1 tablespoon should cover 2 feet. Cover with soil and water.
  • Potatoes & Garlic — Use 1 tablespoon per hole, work into soil and put in the seed pieces.
  • For existing flowers, shrubs & berries — Sprinkle 2-3 tablespoons around each plant. Lightly work into the soil and then water.
  • Potting mixes — Mix 1 cup of Transplant Formula with 5 gallons of potting media.

The Best Soils In The World Are…

1. Volcanic

Nothing beats volcanic soil. Period. From the grape growing region in Italy around Mt. Vesuvius to the fruit growing region of America’s Pacific Northwest. Volcanic soils grow the best tasting coffee, tea, asparagus, fruit, the most fragrant flowers, and the best quality wheat.

What makes volcanic soil so special? Volcanoes are an awesome force of nature. They are also a foundational source of minerals to nourish and replenish worn out soils. They represent a bountiful supply of new minerals ready to assist you in growing better crops.

What is it about soils derived from volcanic ash and tephra (falling rock particles) that makes them so productive? I believe it is the spectrum of minerals that range from the major minerals to the secondary minerals, to the trace minerals all the way to rare earth elements. They all play a role in stimulating soil biology and supporting the plant and animal kingdom.

Volcanic action is the base supply of earth minerals that make up soil. To enrich soil capable of growing high quality crops, we need to replenish the supply by adding volcanic rock powders.

2. Rich in Calcium

Calcium rich soils are highly productive. Unfortunately calcium is leached out of the root zone by percolating water. That means regions with higher rainfall, such as in the South and East, show low levels of available calcium. Poverty soils are low calcium while highly productive soils have more calcium.

Certain regions of the country are known for their high calcium levels. One of these areas is Southern Texas. Here is an experiment you might enjoy with your family. Buy some grapefruit from each of these states: Texas, Florida and California. Now squeeze the juice of each and do a taste test. If you have a refractometer, check the brix. I am pretty sure you will find remarkable differences in taste and quality. You might end up doing what I do–only buy grapefruit from Texas.

Why is calcium so important in soil? One reason that often gets overlooked is the impact of available calcium and the proliferation of plant roots. There is an almost linear relationship between available calcium and roots. When calcium is low, there are relatively few roots. As available calcium increases, so does the mass of roots. In addition to the main roots, there are now finer rootlets branching off the side of the main roots. When available calcium levels go beyond 1,900 lbs. on the Morgan test, something amazing happens with the roots–they now produce a profusion of fine root hairs. These fine root hairs are continuously growing and dying off.

What is so important about plant roots? The more roots, the more rhizosphere. The more rhizosphere, the more microbes are supported in the soil. And that leads us to our last type of soil. The best soils in the world are…

3. Teaming With Microbes

Microbes live off the sugars or plant residues produced by plants. They use this energy from plants to digest the rock minerals they need to proliferate. As they reproduce they also die and leave their minerals available for plant uptake.

Many growers make the mistake of only thinking “How can I grow a better crop of ____.” Instead, they also need to be thinking, “How can I get my soil teaming with microbes?”

The answer is to create the right environment for soil biology by creating a volcanic soil well endowed with calcium. Supplying microbes is helpful, but it must be done in the context of adequate mineralization.

Most people have never seen a volcanic soil well endowed with calcium, broad spectrum trace minerals, and teaming with microbes.

Would you like to see this in action with your plants? Today you can!

After countless hours of study and experimentation, I am pleased to offer a product that can help transform your soil into a volcanic soil rich in calcium and microbial activity.

By using 1 tablespoon of Transplant Formula at planting, this tomato plant is showing a blossom cluster with 12 tomato blossoms. Many other clusters show 9, 10 and 11 tomatoes.

Tomato plant with blossom cluster of 12 tomatoblossoms

Transplant Formula contains:

  • 3 different calcium powders supplying calcium sulfate, calcium silicate, calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate
  • 5 different volcanic rock powders supplying silicon and nearly a whole periodic table of elements
  • 4 microbial packages supplying live microbes to populate a growing rhizosphere around plant roots
  • 4 biostimulant carbon sources to push biology in high gear.

As an extra punch, Transplant Formula also supplies quick acting enzymes to jumpstart the whole process.

Transplant Formula Makes Roots Grow Crazy

Did you know roots comprise nearly half the total mass of plants? Around each root, rootlet, and root hair is a thin layer of soil. This is called the rhizosphere. This area functions very much like a bustling “marketplace” in the city square. Don’t let your plants suffer from a lack of roots! The proliferation of plant rootlets and root hairs corresponds to the level of available calcium in the soil and in the plant. To have a healthy rhizosphere you must have an abundance of calcium. The rhizosphere is the place where soil, plant roots, and hordes of soil microbes interact. You see bacteria have a desperate need for sugars. This is their main energy source. And since they are not capable of making their own sugars they must get them from plants. At the same time plants have a desperate need for minerals. This must come from decomposed rocks. Decomposing rocks is the special task given to bacteria. As soil microbes multiply they digest minerals from the rocks and soil. When bacteria die the nutrients in their bodies are released into the soil solution and taken up by plants. The key to growing really awesome plants is to grow a large population of soil bacteria. Here is where it gets amazing. Without a proper supply of minerals, plants can’t make enough sugars. Without a proper supply of sugars, bacteria can’t digest enough minerals. The worst problem occurs when the supply of minerals in the soil are critically deficient. This is like an economic depression in the marketplace. The way to overcome an economic depression is to create an economic boom. How can you create an “economic boom” for plants?

  • By Supplying Minerals in the Soil
  • By Supplying Calcium to Dramatically Increase Plant Roots
  • By Supplying Bacteria in the Root Zone
  • By Creating a Thriving Rhizosphere

This is exactly what Transplant Formula does for your plants.

Read Additional Information on Transplant Formula

Transplant Formula Brochure
MSDS for Transplant Formula

Nutrient Analysis of Transplant Formula

Nitrogen (N) 0.53
Phosphate (P205) 3.51
Potash (K20) 1.06
Calcium 6.08
Magnesium 0.47 PPM
Copper 0.002 22.4
Iron 0.222 2216.4
Zinc 0.004 37.3
Manganese 0.030 298.5
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